Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Brightly Beams our Fathers Mercy"

Dear Grandpa,

How is everything for you? We sure miss you lots here. Grandma is turning 90 tomorrow! We threw her a pretty big party, it was great to see how many people came for her party. People came from far away too.

Yesterday, we had a little family reunion and for Memorial day we visited your grave. While we were there, we shared so many memories that we had of you. I really enjoyed that time with family laughing about all the good times with you.

I just wanted to let you know that I never let my marshmallows get burnt. If they are not golden brown, I won't eat it. I know that you never approve of a burnt marshmallow. I have to admit, I am no where near as good or as patient as you were with the marshmallows, but I sure try my hardest to get them golden brown.

I just finished my fourth year at BYU. Yes, I am moving slow but I am going to graduate with my bachelors degree in Therapeutic Recreation next April. I know its not a masters or doctorate degree but I am continuing my education. I know how important it was to you that we all gain an education, so I hope that I make you proud.

I try to be a hard worker just like you were. I have so many memories of coming to your house while I was growing up. You were always outside working on the yard. Even when moving around got harder for you, you still did yard work. I hope that I am that strong of a worker, that I won't let little things become an excuse to be lazy.

I miss your big hugs that you would always give me. I miss your beard that you would always rub on my face and think it was hilarious! I miss your jokes you would tell us. I miss all the stories you would tell me about your life.

Thanks for everything you have taught me Grandpa. I hope I can make you proud!



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